How the struct gets made

In which peek behind the curtain to see how compilers represent our data types.

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A while back I came across a question online asking why Rust uses a different layout for structs than C. "Layout" here refers to the way a struct gets represented as a sequence of bytes in memory. I think it's an excellent question, and it gives us an excuse to mess around with a debugger to see what's going on in memory, so let's have a go at answering it!

To know why the two languages lay out structs differently, we first need to know how they lay them out. Let's define a little test struct in C for us to poke and prod at:

#include <stdint.h>

struct TestStruct {
    uint32_t x; // 32 bits = 4 bytes
    uint64_t y; // 64 bits = 8 bytes
    uint32_t z; // 32 bits = 4 bytes

At a glance, representing TestStruct in memory doesn't seem like a particularly difficult thing to do. My first guess is that it can be 16 contiguous bytes where the first 4 bytes represent x, the next 8 represent y and the last 4 represent z. Something like this:

A row of squares representing TestStruct, with each square representing one byte. The first four squares are labelled x, the next eight are labelled y and the last four are labelled z.

Let's do a quick experiment to see if I'm right! We'll use C's sizeof operator find the size of TestStruct in bytes. If my prediction is correct, it should be 16 bytes.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

struct TestStruct {
    uint32_t x;
    uint64_t y;
    uint32_t z;

int main() {
    printf("%zu bytes\n", sizeof (struct TestStruct));
    return 0;

Let's run it and see what we get:

$ clang struct_size.c
$ ./a.out
24 bytes

24 bytes?! I was wrong! So what the heck is C doing here?

Well, let's take a look using a debugger! We'll create a TestStruct variable and fill its fields with some values that will be easy to spot later:

#include <stdint.h>

struct TestStruct {
    uint32_t x;
    uint64_t y;
    uint32_t z;

int main() {
    struct TestStruct test;
    test.x = 0xcafebabe;
    test.y = 0x0123456789abcdef;
    test.z = 0xfeedface;
    return 0;

Now let's compile it and load it into LLDB:

$ clang -g struct_layout.c
$ lldb a.out
Current executable set to '/home/tom/structs/a.out' (x86_64).

Let's put a breakpoint to pause the program right before main returns on line 14, and then we can read the 24 bytes of memory representing our test variable. To make it a little easier to read, we'll ask LLDB to organise the bytes into groups of four.

(lldb) breakpoint set --file struct_layout.c --line 14
(lldb) run
(lldb) memory read --format x --size 4 --count `24 / 4` `&test`
0x7fffffffea10: 0xcafebabe 0x00000000 0x89abcdef 0x01234567
0x7fffffffea20: 0xfeedface 0x00000000

We can see 0xcafebabe which is the value we stored in test.x, 0x0123456789abcdef which we stored in test.y (the two groups of four bytes are displayed in reverse because my machine is little-endian) and 0xfeedface which we stored in test.z. However, there are also some bytes that we didn't tell C to store: there's four bytes of zeroes sitting between test.x and test.y, and another four bytes of zeroes after test.z! Although we don't know what these extra 8 bytes are doing there yet, at least we now have a more accurate idea of how TestStruct looks in memory:

An updated version of the previous diagram. Four additional squares labelled with question marks have been added between x and y, and another four squares labelled by question marks have been added to the end.

To understand what those extra bytes are there for, we first need to know about alignment.

So, what's this "alignment" stuff?

Every type has both a size and an alignment. Whereas the size determines how much memory is required to represent the type, the alignment determines where that memory is allowed to be. The rule for alignment is simple:

A value should be stored at a memory address that is a multiple of its alignment.

Most modern CPUs expect this rule to be followed; if it's broken, a variety of platform-dependent Bad Things can happen such as performance penalties, crashes, and changes to the atomicity guarantees of instructions.

Let's look at some examples. Similar to the sizeof operator, we can use the alignof operator to find the alignment of a particular type:

#include <stdalign.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("uint8_t:  %zu\n", alignof (uint8_t));
    printf("uint32_t: %zu\n", alignof (uint32_t));
    printf("uint64_t: %zu\n", alignof (uint64_t));
    return 0;
$ clang alignment.c
$ ./a.out
uint8_t:  1
uint32_t: 4
uint64_t: 8

C tells us that uint8_t has an alignment of 1. Every memory address is a multiple of 1, so that means it's ok for a uint8_t to live at any memory address. uint32_t, on the other hand, has an alignment of 4, so it can only live at memory addresses 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and so on.

Now we can explain what the mysterious extra bytes in TestStruct are there for! The 4 bytes between x and y are padding to ensure that y follows the rule of alignment. y is a uint64_t which has an alignment of 8 (on 64-bit platforms); without the padding it would be at offset 4, which is not a multiple of 8, but when we add the 4 bytes of padding it ends up at offset 8 instead, which is of course a multiple of 8.

A diagram showing the struct with and without the padding bytes added between x and y. Without the padding, x is immediately followed by y; since x has size 4, y is at offset 4 which is not a multiple of 8. With the 4 bytes of padding between x and y, y is at offset 8 which is a multiple of 8.

The 4 bytes of padding after z are there to make sure the rule of alignment is followed when we have an array of TestStruct. Suppose we have an array struct TestStruct a[2]; arrays are represented by just storing the elements contiguously in memory, so without the padding after z, a[1].y would be at offset 20 + 8 = 28 from the start of the array, which is not a multiple of 8 so it would break the rule of alignment. With the padding after z included, a[1].y is at offset 24 + 8 = 32 from the start of the array, which is a multiple of 8.

A diagram showing an array of two TestStructs with and without the padding after z. Both arrays include the padding between x and y, however. Without the 4 bytes of padding, the y field of the second element ends up at offset 28, which is not a multiple of 8. With the padding, it ends up at offset 32, which is a multiple of 8.

Ok, so now we have a sense of how C lays out structs; the fields are put in memory in the same order as we wrote them in the struct definition, and extra padding is inserted after some of the fields when it is needed to follow the rule of alignment.

Turning our attention to Rust

Time to find out what Rust does differently to C! Let's start off by defining a Rust equivalent of TestStruct and checking its size:

use std::mem::size_of;

struct TestStruct {
    x: u32,
    y: u64,
    z: u32,

fn main() {
    println!("{} bytes", size_of::<TestStruct>());
$ rustc
$ ./struct_size
16 bytes

16 bytes is smaller than the 24 bytes used by C, so Rust can't be laying out TestStruct the same way. To find out what it's doing, let's use the same trick from before of filling the fields of the struct with some dummy values then reading the memory using LLDB:

use std::hint::black_box;

struct TestStruct {
    x: u32,
    y: u64,
    z: u32,

fn main() {
    let test = TestStruct {
        x: 0xcafebabe,
        y: 0x0123456789abcdef,
        z: 0xfeedface,

    // Our test value is not actually used for anything in the program, so the
    // Rust compiler wants to optimise it out. We encourage it not to do this
    // by using the black box function.
$ rustc -g
$ lldb struct_layout
(lldb) breakpoint set --file --line 22
(lldb) run
(lldb) memory read --format x --size 4 --count `16 / 4` `&test`
0x7fffffffe3d8: 0x89abcdef 0x01234567 0xcafebabe 0xfeedface

Two things jump out: there's no padding bytes, and the value we stored in y appears before the value we stored in x. It looks like Rust has changed the order of the fields! This is a cool little optimisation; by switching the order of x and y in memory, all of the fields obey the rule of alignment without the need for any padding. y is now at offset 0 which is a multiple of 8, x is at offset 8 which is a multiple of 4, and z is at offset 12 which is a multiple of 4.

A diagram comparing the C-style struct layout to the Rust-style one. In the C-style layout, the fields x, y and z appear in order, with 4 bytes of padding between x and y and another 4 bytes of padding after z. In the Rust-style layout, y appears first, then x and lastly z, with no padding anywhere in the struct. The Rust-style is two-thirds the size of the C-style layout.

Getting rid of the padding can have some practical performance benefits; since the overall size of the struct is smaller, we can fit more in the CPU's limited cache memory, which is much faster to access than RAM.

"Let me choose the order, dammit!"

Rust's way of doing things might improve performance, but, (angrily shaking fist), what right does the compiler have to mess with the order of our fields without our permission?! We specifically said that x comes before y when we defined TestStruct; wouldn't it be better for Rust to just tell us that it's a suboptimal ordering rather than silently moving the fields around? Then, we could decide whether or not we want to listen to the compiler's recommendation and manually change the order of the fields, which would give us more control.

Unfortunately, this manual approach has problems; in particular, it doesn't play nice with generics. Suppose we have a generic struct like this:

struct GenericStruct<T, U> {
    x: T,
    y: U,
    z: u32,

There's no single ordering of the struct's fields that's optimal (in terms of the amount of padding required) for all possible choices of T and U. For example, the only two orderings that are optimal for both GenericStruct<u32, u64> and GenericStruct<u64, u32> are x, z, y and y, z, x, but neither of these two orderings are optimal for GenericStruct<u16, u16>. Whatever ordering we pick, there's going to be some choice of T and U that uses more padding than the minimum possible amount.

That's why it's useful for Rust to pick the order of the fields for us; Rust can use different orderings depending on the values of the generic parameters so that padding is always minimised. For GenericStruct<u32, u64> it can use the ordering x, z, y, and for GenericStruct<u16, u16> it can use a different ordering x, y, z.

Despite this, there's still going to be situations where we need to manually specify the order of the fields in memory, so Rust provides us with the #[repr(C)] attribute which lets us use C's memory layout for a particular struct.

Back to the original question

Time to answer the question we started with: why do the two languages use different layouts? Since C is often used for very low-level tasks like FFI and interfacing with hardware, it's important that data has a consistent and predictable layout in memory; therefore the programmer is given complete control over the ordering of fields. If you were writing an IP implementation in C by casting the received bytes to a struct representing the header format, and the compiler decided to rearrange the order of that struct's fields, then your program would misinterpret the IP headers!

Since casting between bytes and structs can't be done in safe Rust, it's more acceptable for Rust to take a bit of control away from the programmer and reorder the fields. This means that structs will always have the optimal size without the need for the programmer to think about alignment, even for generic structs that are impossible to optimise by hand.